
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

ProMarkers :) x

I knew someone that had promarkers and I thought they were amazing :) x they are by far the best pens avalible! There a bit expensive but well worth the investment! They are duel tip pens and come in almost any colour! But the best thing is that they blend and you can get tone from just one pen colour (if you keep going over and over the paper eventually you get a darker shade)! Unlike felt tips you wont see the marks from where you have to go over an area that you have already coverd :) x they are a great way to try out colouring before you colour in the image on the computer! There is also Promarker paper avalible which means that they dont bleed which I highly recomend it :) x I got both the pens and the paper and any drawing from now on that is not computerized will be coloured in by Promarkers using the paper! I LOVE THEM!

                                   Manga Girl 101 x

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